Website Activity Reports

Website Activity Reports

DSI's Website Activity Reports extend the power of MarketWide™ by capturing website activity, which includes website visitors, pages viewed, locations, device information, operating systems, browsers, referring sources, and conversions. This feature is designed to record this information into a MarketWide database in real time. It operates as an “always-on” web service, accepting data from authenticated websites and writing this into its database. 

Combining Website Activity Reports with MarketWide Email Reports lets you “close the loop” in your customer marketing journey, starting with campaign selection and followed by email deployment, then click-thru tracking to landing page to conversion. Website Activity Reports tap into the power of your database to let you keep your finger on the pulse of your multi-channel marketing campaigns, monitoring performance even as campaigns are still active.

How it Works
Under the hood, website activity is stored at two levels: by visitor and by page. A visitor session can consist of several pages, tracked in the order they are accessed. Additionally, the Website Activity Reports use advanced algorithms to identify visitors by email clicks, persistent cookies, referring URLs, conversion tracking, and other methods. Activity data is captured in real time and writes it directly into your marketing system. This seamlessly pulls together online and offline data about your customers and prospects, helping you gain unique insights and make better decisions.


Visits by Date/Webpage
The Visits by Date chart shows the total page visitors and page views measured by the time period specified in the Group By option. The views can be exported in various file formats and can be grouped by by Hour, Day, Week, Month, or Year. 

The Webpage chart shows hits for different areas of your website including the URL for each. More information about each URL can be found on the page views and hits for both charts by clicking the result number listed in the chart. 

Date Range Controls

  • The Site ID can display data from a one specific site you have listed or all of them combined.
  • The Display Time Period option will narrow the results shown throughout the page down to include only the time period chosen.

Graphical Data 
Similar to the Email Reports section, Website Activity Reports have charts containing percentages of top devices, operating systems, browsers, reffer URLs, and traffic patterns used to visit your site. These charts can be exported by using the ( ) icon and selecting the file type. 

The Locations map reveals the site visitors based on their geographical locations. The map shows where your visitors are located and options are provided to export data and drill into your output. The visitors are shown from the state level, down to the county, and then to the zip code region of that county. Clicking on Display Data shows the visitors in a list view in addition to the map view.