SQLManager is an integral part of all MarketWide's programs and is accessible from all the MarketWide components. SQLManager serves multiple purposes in MarketWide crucial to its simplicity.
It helps maintain database and MarketWide objects such as tables, views and cubes; creates expressions, selects a database and table within a MarketWide program, and queries your databases. However, the most prominent use of SQLManager will simply be to select databases and tables to run campaigns and queries against.
The primary purpose of SQLManager is to make it easy to select databases and tables for use in other MarketWide modules. Additionally, SQLManager has several other useful features.
On the Database tab, in addition to choosing a table, you can view the table with QueryBuilder, create or edit a join, union, or query; or you can perform a limited number of functions on your tables.
On the MarketWide tab, you can view the content of a cube in QueryBuilder, create a new cube, or edit an existing cube.
The SQLManager toolbar provides shortcuts to commonly used SQL commands. Click an icon once to carry out the action represented by that icon.