TouchPoint is a MarketWide program that enables its users to MarketWide’s Campaign Management application. It lets you design and manage automated B-B or B-C multi-channel marketing campaigns, consisting of one or more segments. TouchPoint is designed to perform complex customer selections that are not possible through conventional database queries, which eases the cumbersome, error-prone process of entering selection criteria while producing an array of non-duplicated segment-level counts.Building and running TouchPoint campaigns involves an orderly series of steps by filling out the Criteria, Tracking, and MarketFlow tabs, which you can find on the bottom of the TouchPoint window. When you submit campaign criteria, TouchPoint makes a single pass of the database, regardless of the number of defined segments. After running a selection, you can attach additional information, such as key or match codes to selected customer records, or automatically generate mailing lists, without using SQL code. . It is a very powerful program, capable of running campaigns with hundreds – or even thousands – of segments against very large databases, making a single pass per campaign. Each segment is assigned a unique segment code (or “keycode”), and output can be directed to various channels such as direct mail, catalog, email, telemarketing, text messaging, and Facebook. Features exist for householding, max-per-site, suppressions, test/control groups, splits and NTHs, and other critical marketing functions. Finally, every customer and prospect selected by a TouchPoint campaign is written into a robust set of Promotion History tables, along with necessary campaign metadata to let you keep track of who’s being marketed to and what’s being offered.
First Time Use
Before you can run your first TouchPoint campaign, the following pieces need to be in place:
Requirement | Responsibility |
Promotion history tables | Database Administrator |
Campaign Template | MarketWide Administrator |
Solicit Templates (one per channel) | MarketWide Administrator |
General Steps for Running a Campaign
- Create your segmentation logic.
This is done on the TouchPoint Criteria tab and is usually the most involved part of the campaign process. Segmentation logic determines who is selected by the campaign. Any number of segments can be created, and commonly used segments can be saved to a public library where they can be shared with other marketing users. Additionally, input tables can be filtered and excludes can be applied - Review the waterfall counts, constrain as needed, and assign keycodes and other tracking codes
After your campaign is submitted, the selection process takes place and counts get generated for each segment. This is often an iterative process, where counts are reviewed, and adjustments are made. Once you’re happy with the results, you can optionally create Constraints to limit the number of pieces per household or location, and enter or paste keycodes and other tracking codes for each output segment. - Design and run your MarketFlow.
This step is where you decide what to do with the customers and prospects selected by your campaign, along with when, where and how to market to them. TouchPoint provides a powerful set of MarketFlow features for splitting, NTH-ing, branching, test/control groups, winner/challenger groups, and generating any combination of output files, emails, text messages, and so on. A campaign MarketFlow can be as simple as generating a single mail file or an email deployment, or it can run over a period of days or weeks, generating output files and/or email and waiting a given time interval or for events to occur before continuing to subsequent steps. At any time, consumers who respond to an offer or opt out of further communication can be suppressed. MarketFlow automatically updates promotion history whenever consumers are output to any communication channel, known as a Touch.
Starting a TouchPoint Campaign
When TouchPoint is initially launched, a new TouchPoint campaign is opened automatically.
To Begin a New Campaign
- In the TouchPoint main window, click New on the toolbar or choose File, then New from the menu. If a TouchPoint is open, a message appears prompting you to save your changes, if necessary. Now, a new campaign appears in the TouchPoint window.