Release Notes: Version

Release Notes: Version

Release Date:  

What's New

  1.  5.2.15 is a regularly scheduled release of MarketWide containing new features, improvements, and bug fixes. All customers should upgrade at their earliest convenience.

New Features and Improvements

  1.  IPAddresses captured by WebTrak and Email Feedback will be hashed moving forward. This means it can still be used to identify unique locations for a particular visitor/recipient, but it can't be reversed to give actual details about their location.
  2. IPNumber is now encrypted at the time it's stored. This change IS retroactive. As part of the 5.2.15 update script, existing data will be encrypted.
  3. We're only keeping IPNumber long enough to generate the IPKey, which happens during rollup. Part of the rollup process is now to null out IPNumber after the IPKey has been generated.
  4. CampaignDate variable is now available for selection within VariableBuilder when accessed from applicable modules, e.g. TouchPoint

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed issue with Email Reply rollup.

  2. Fixed error that could occur when right clicking Grand Total in Analyzer.

  3. Fixed issue with picklist use in the Touch grid.

  4. Fixed issue with text disappearing and reappearing in TouchPoint MarketFlow.